Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day 5: A Day of Rest

Today, Sunday, we slept in (no more jet-lag), and got up for the second service at 10:00 AM. The church service was great; the worship was lively and the Bible lesson was really inspiring. Nick (the pastor) preaches in English, with a translator, so the service has a certain cadence, sort of like a traditional African-American church service where the audience is expected to regularly respond to each point.

After service, we visited the book store and then went out to lunch with Dave, Inga-Lill, Nick and his wife Sue. Before we knew it, it was 4:00 PM. Nick had to dash off for the evening service. Kathy, Inga-Lill and I went over for the worship portion of the service, and then went home to get packed, (and catch up on this blog), while Dave stayed behind to do some video-taping.

Tomorrow morning we take off for the Rhine.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Steve and Kathy! We are all enjoying the dialogue and the pictures. Dad


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